Ditko Multi-Piece Design, 4th Grade Homework, Unicorn Blood, & Flu Vaccines

Costume Stuff

I have completed work on the multi-piece Ditko design! (Boots and mask are off-screen in the above image.)

I will probably order the shirt portion in a week or two, which–along with the mask and boots that are part of the order in process–will leave just the leggings and gloves. The only thing I am a bit sad about is that the leggings and gloves portion will not fit into a yard’s worth of fabric, despite my rotating and rearranging. That doubles the cost for that portion.

I might be able to make the leggings shorter at the base, considering that the boots will cover that part anyway.  I need to do some fresh measuring and maybe some experimenting with the black leggings I made way back when.

The Non-Costume Stuff: Fourth Grade Homework, Unicorn Blood, & Flu Vaccines

As I mentioned before,  most of my available time has been in the early morning, when the noise of sewing is unwelcome in my household. The daytime hours are all about going to work, of course, and the evenings have been about squeezing in my workouts, runs, and the jump in homework time that my daughter is experiencing as part of starting fourth grade!

I also got my annual physical exam yesterday, as “encouraged” by my health insurance. I get strangely interested in my blood work results nowadays. Probably a sign of old age. (The results are all good, in case you were wondering. My blood is kind of like unicorn blood: immensely pure and possessed of magical healing properties.)

The doctor, as usual, encouraged me to get the flu vaccine. I have never gotten the flu vaccine. But then, I’m not sure that I’ve ever gotten the flu either. If I ever contracted the flu, it had to have been back in high school. I don’t see much reason to get the flu vaccine.

Here’s my logic:

A) Point: The flu virus evolves year to year
B) Point: Due to the evolution of the flu virus, the vaccine in a given year is a “best guess” vaccine based on last year’s flu strain.
C) Point: In any given year (to date), I will have not gotten the flu the previous year…
D) Therefore, my antibodies were sufficient to prevent the previous year’s flu strain.
E) Therefore, my body’s antibodies are at least as effective at preventing the flu as the current flu vaccine formulation.
F) Conclusion: There is no reason for me to get a flu vaccination.

I can’t claim that this theory is based on any real medical or scientific evidence. But it makes perfect sense to me. Plus, stating things like this to my girlfriend is always a fun way to make her shake her head and roll her eyes at me.

 Happy Hump Day Everyone!