Flattered, Humbled, & Disqualified

So, fellow blogger MachineGunMama–in addition to having one of the awesomest blog handles in the history of blog handles–kindly nominated me for an inspiring blogger award. This was way too kind, and honestly, I am afraid I have to disqualify myself, because I am unable to meet the criteria: In all honesty, I don’t consistently follow 15 blogs to be able to list them as part of the criteria for accepting.

Thus I must respectfully decline on those grounds (in addition to feeling undeserving in the first place), but I remain flattered and grateful. Heck, I’m just happy that anyone reads about my crazy quest to make a Spider-Man costume (or two or three).

MGM not only reads and comments, she encourages and supports, and of course inspires with her own obvious tenacity and passion in the face of her own life’s obstacles, be they parenting fears, financial stressors, moving to unknown realms, or stubbornly facing the frustration of daunting hobbies.

Come to think of it, what are you doing here reading this crap? Go read her blog instead. And I do want to mention those other blogs/bloggers that have been inspiring, encouraging, and supportive, even though there aren’t 15 of them:

1) So Sew Easy, for really giving me a great place to start with sewing and making patterns and encouraging me along the way.
2) Dinuvole Dicuori for stopping in with enthusiastic and supportive comments
3) LongBox Graveyard for resources and darn fine reading

And just anyone who reads and likes and/or comments (or just reads without me ever knowing!) and generally makes me feel like someone’s listening. Because as much as I like to hear myself talk, it’s always flattering when someone else seems to actually be paying attention as well.

And if you are still reading… One of the criteria for accepting the nomination was to list seven facts about yourself. I had already gotten that far before realizing that I couldn’t meet the rest of the criteria, so here they are anyway, in case you’re interested.

Seven facts about me

1. I think of myself as a Nihilist in Remission/pseudo-Existentialist. Because, really, Nihilism is kind of a non-starter when it comes down to it, isn’t it?

Feeling inspired yet? 🙂

2. Once I had my daughter, I finally “got” what my mom was always trying to explain to me about the feelings and perspectives of being a parent. My daughter is one of the things that put my Nihilism in Remission.

3. I have 7 tattoos. And I still have to mentally count them before stating how many I have. And I am not convinced that I don’t have one more that I am forgetting about…

4. I’ve been told I look like the following people at various points in my life: John Denver; Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver); Sting; “A Dungeons & Dragons Character”(?); Peter Parker (but that was after the first Tobey Macguire movie so let’s pretend that didn’t happen); Bob Harper (Biggest Loser); “German” (that one’s kind of non-specific)

5. I’ve had the following nicknames: BAM (my initials); Benjie (what my mom wanted me to be called, which calls into question the aforementioned love); Spot (by one friend in high school who thought that was a funny “dog name” alternative to “Benjie”); “Cool Daddy Ben” (by one friend in junior high due to some sunglasses I sometimes wore); “Leonardo da Benjie” (by one friend in junior high, in reference to my so-called artistic talents); “Bensu–the Wind” (by a friend in college for reasons I can’t remember–but we thought it was hilarious at the time…)

6. I have a third nipple in place of a belly button. I like to make things up for no particular reason.

7. Around fourth grade, I made serious plans for how I could realistically become a super hero (it involved Iron Man style armor). Nothing came of it. (But even if it had worked out, I couldn’t tell you, because that would compromise my secret identity.)

That’s it for today.

Next time, I’ll get back to those reasons my heroes are super heroes.