Returning to the Quest with a Successful Failure


You ever hear that phrase, “Always go with your first instinct?” Well…I’ve disproved it many times in my life (most especially in my dating life (and let me clarify that I mean my past dating life, in case my girlfriend is reading this)), but in the case of this latest Spider-Shirt, it is actually true.

I had initially designed it to be a good few inches longer, but then something made me think it would be too long, so I shortened it. Guess what? It’s too short. By a few inches.


But even still, I am actually very pleased with the way it came out other than that detail. It was very easy and relatively quick to put together. I did it in just a few hours last night, including having to tear out and re-do one stitch.

Other than the length, the fit is good, it looks good, the neck is more than high enough to work with the mask, I like the design…

I will have to re-work the length in the design file and re-do the shirt, of course, but this is clearly the first costume design that is ultimately going to work out in the end. So I am okay with that.


Yeah, I am going to call this a successful experiment in that there is a clear path forward to what works.


And once I get the kinks worked out with this traditional design, I can apply it to the Ditko design with even greater confidence.

Oh yeah, by the way, I’m back from my Japan trip. Been back a few days and–let me tell you, jet lag is a real thing, especially coming from a 13 hour time difference. Not that I doubted the existence of jet lag. I have just been surprised at how hard it hits and how long it takes to recover.

Anyway, I am obviously getting back into the sewing groove, but there will likely be gaps in between posts as I wait for the parts of the costume to arrive. Theoretically, I will have some in-between stuff to work on.

Today…back to work for the first time in over a week. I’m mostly ready. It’s just that “jumping into a cold pool” kind of phenomenon; once I’ve gotten that jump over with, it’ll be good to be in the water.

See you soon, everyone.

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