Not a Post…

Hi all. This is not *really* a post. I am leaving for Japan today, and just had a couple of “agenda items:”

A) I wanted to thank BritneyLee for the Liebster Award nomination. Sorry I never got around to fulfilling the requirements! I am really bad about those things. But thanks for thinking of me! She’s one of my most supportive WordPress comrades.

B) There Will Be Blog! A Photo Blog of my Japan Trip, that is. The first entry–lacking any trip photos as I haven’t left yet–is up to get you started if you’re interested: BAM in Japan

And that’s all for now. See you when I get back! (Assuming I don’t get forever lost in the Subway system of Tokyo…)


One thought on “Not a Post…

  1. awww thanks for the shout out!
    i am so supportive because i feel like i am living vicariously through you! i want to make my on spandex costume someday so it’s nice to see someone’s trial and error to get to a finished one!


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