Waiting for Supplies and such…

So, I am in standby mode in terms of actual costume and accessories. Here are the items that are being delivered:

  • The printed costume fabric (traditional Spidey bodysuit)
  • Worbla sheet (for eye frames)
  • Mirrored window liner (for covering eye lenses)

Here are the items that have been delivered:

  • Make-a-Zipper Invisible Zipper kit (a roll containing one long invisible zipper that can be separated in the manner needed, along with several zipper pulls)- color: blue, for the main entry zipper on the traditional Spidey bodysuit (gonna do the ‘down the sides, across the bottom of the back’ thing this time)
  • A red invisible zipper for the back-of-the-mask zipper (to allow for pulling the mask forward off the head when needed)

Here are a few sundry items that I will need to buy/make:

  • Base coat and main coat paint for Worbla frames
  • Heat resistant board for working with Worbla (similar to the one in this clever how-to: Working with Worbla Safely)
  • Duct tape: Useful for so much (including previous list item), but specifically for building out the circumference/size of Bob the head model’s head.
  • Clear plastic of some kind to line with the mirrored stuff.
  • Construction paper (recommended base medium for tracing onto Worbla, which makes sense as it will curl less than printer paper.

So, today I will go out and grab a few things, and I can get Bob prepped for when I do the Worbla frames. But it will likely be the weekend after next before I have time to start the main work on the traditional Spidey bodysuit.

In the meantime, I’ve continued working on modifying the Photoshop template for the Ditko style costume to separate it into the component parts:

It’s not as hard/complicated as I feared, but it is superbly tedious! It’s coming along, though. I’ve separated the top and bottom fairly well, built up the height of the waist for good fit and so that there’s plenty of overlap. Just started on separating the gloves, then we’ll do the boots, then the mask. And I want to try and piece together the back halves of the shirt, because there’s really no sense in them being separate in this new configuration.

No hurry on that design, since I have the traditional costume to work on, and I really should forego spending more on costume fabric for a long while!

That’s all for now!


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