Spidey from the Waist Down


Well, I’m getting there. Slowly. Sort of.

I did actually fix those little nubbins on the hips in the pic above. Just needed to bring in those partial stitches a bit more in line with the seamless parts of the legs below them. And I am hoping that once the top is done, the saggy crotch will be pulled up a bit. May just be a matter of final adjustments after donning the suit.

I’m actually really happy with my design and how it looks IRL so far. But I hope to improve on sizing and details next time. I might have underestimated my height in sizing the costume (which is hard to do, as I am not what they call “tall” in the common parlance).

Since this pic, I have sewn the bottom of the back torso to the top of the back of the waist. That leaves it armless and with the sides unstitched. I will hopefully be able to get the gloves sewn, arms attached at the shoulders, and finish up the arm and side seams this weekend. We’ll see.

And I will probably have to forego more pics until I cut eye holes. I really cannot see through that mask fabric…


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