Making a List (of Sewing Needs) & Checking It Twice (at least)

Heh. I didn’t even realize until now that there was a common theme in my post titles for yesterday and today (or I should say a common “thread,” this blog being so much about sewing and all). “Christmas in July” and “Making a List…checking it twice…”

Except that for that part about me giving the gifts to myself. But then again, some of my favorite gifts are the ones from myself. I always seem to know just what I want.

Thanks! I shouldn’t have!

Anyway… Have you ever had those times in life where you feel like you’re waiting and waiting and waiting and then…bam! Everything just seems to happen at once? I mean, not bad things, but several good things you were waiting for?

Yeah, I can’t think of any times like that either. But this week seems kind of close to that in terms of this whole sewing and costume-making adventure.

I thought I had the arrival of the various “components” of this Costume Quest plot spaced out pretty well over this week and the next. The new machine and some practice fabric would come in time for me to spend some time getting used to the new machine by working on the DIY costume (using proper basting techniques!) and installing invisible zippers in scrap costume components, and then next week the professionally printed fabric would arrive after I had time for careful practice and planning…

But now it’s looking like there’s a really good chance that everything will be here by Friday (if not Thursday) including the professionally printed costume fabric!!

Screenshot (55)

That doesn’t change the plan, really. It just means I have to discipline myself not to cut into the pro printed stuff before I’m comfortable with the new machine and installing invisible zippers, and basting, etc. It’s like how a pilot has to put in so many hours on a simulator and flying with an instructor before going solo. (It’s exactly like that, I’m sure. Flying and sewing, just two sides of the same coin, really.)

But really, it’s awesome and exciting that everything is converging, surrounding me in a good way. It’ll be like swimming in money, except instead of money it’s sewing supplies and fabric. And, of course, it’s kind of the opposite of swimming in money in that the stuff I’m swimming in represents a loss of money rather than an accumulation of such… Wow. My analogy generator is even more off than usual today…

So, you said something about making a list…?

Yes, the list…Lists, actually. These are by no means exhaustive and certainly not in any particular order:

Stuff I have/stuff that’s on the way

  • Black and Red Fabric for practice costume (arriving today)
  • Black and Red Thread for practice costume
  • Fabric marking chalk for light and dark fabrics
  • Extra pins (finally got some)
  • Sundry sewing supplies that I’ve had all along (shears, cutting board, rotary cutter, pin cushion, etc.)
  • Sewing machine (arriving tomorrow) — delivery includes: walking presser foot; invisible zipper foot
  • Invisible zipper for practice
  • Professionally printed fabric (arriving tomorrow or Friday)
  • Styrofoam head model thingy (needs padding to add a couple of inches of circumference)
  • Other stuff I can’t remember right now

Stuff I still need/should get

  •  More invisible zippers (for practice and for the final pro printed costume)
  • More black, red, and possibly blue thread (once I examine the final color and placement of the seams for the pro-printed costume)
  • Worbla and black paint (for eye frames on practice and pro masks)
  • Mirrored material for lenses
  • An extra/better pin cushion (I like the idea of this long pin cushion)
  • Somethin’ somethin’ for making the soles of the boots for practice and pro costumes
  • Final plan/materials for eventual improved sewing work surface (a la my “futon mounted work table” idea)
  • Ideas/plans/purchases of a good webbing material for the practice costume.
  • Other stuff I can’t remember right now

Obviously, I need to take a bit of an inventory of my more immediate needs, and of course several of these needs can be put off until after the foundational work of making the actual costumes. But yeah, things are really coming together, as I said.

The funny thing is that this is all coming to a head right as I will not have very much time to do anything with it. I have Friday off, but that’s because I work Saturday, and then there will be the Sunday/Monday out of town trip, week of work, a long weekend out of town again.

But that’s probably good, since I mentioned a need to not rush the work on the final pro printed costume. And of course it is also good for me to get away from my projects and enjoy time with my GF and my family, maybe even spending some time in the wild world out of doors!

Pictured: The Legendary Land of “Outdoors.” I’ve heard tales of this place, but I thought they were only legends…

Wrapping up with some moments of Gratitude:

Because my momma raised me to say please and thank you, I want to take a moment to thank some fellow bloggers/sewing enthusiasts/costume making enthusiasts. Again, not an exhaustive list, but some stuff from recent memory (the only part of my memory that is even slightly reliable)…

MachineGunMama: ALWAYS so supportive and excited with me and for me, and willing to share ideas and thoughts and opinions. Thanks! (Yay walking presser feet! And I am going to give that hand basting thing a try!)

Miss Leslie the Good Witch: She recently helped validate an idea that I was a bit dubious about. Even if she is just enabling my delusions, I appreciate it. 🙂

SaiTurtlesNinjaNX: A recent “arrival” here who jumped right in with encouragement and advice that is very specific to my needs because he underwent such a similar quest, trodding the path ahead of me, thus allowing him to share great wisdom. (Thanks again for the video that is uncovering the mystery of sewing 90 degree corners!)

And Everyone who actually reads and/or follows my little Costume Quest. Thanks!

Up Next: Tweaks to the Practice Costume Patterns and Plan, and maybe some pics of New Stuff

3 thoughts on “Making a List (of Sewing Needs) & Checking It Twice (at least)

  1. I might as will share these video I did last year with you. I goes in depth of different ways of making the suit and gives you background info. But not to much in the sewing because I had a lot of the same problem as you.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    I should also say I have plans on making another suit. One reason is because I now have a sewing/embroidery machine and a Serger.


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