Back to the Costume: Affording Obsessions & Practicing While Waiting

All right. I’ve been waxing random for a few posts while getting some balls rolling with the costume, but there are at least a few semi-interesting tidbits to report.

Swords Into Plowshares–or at least Tablets into Sewing Machines (That’s pretty much the same thing, right?)

Fun fact: sewing machines aren’t free.

For those who missed this particular fact: What sewing I’ve done on this project up to now has been done on a borrowed sewing machine. The co-worker/friend who lent it to me is awesome (and not just because she made possible a long-term loan on a sewing machine), but the machine is one her mom uses when visiting, and the next visit is coming up in August, so it is about time to move on.

This is kind of exciting, though, because the machine is a pretty basic one, and I have been making both mental and actual lists of the features I will be excited to have on a new machine, including lots of pre-programmed stitches (including a proper stretch stitch!), multiple presser feet (including ones that make sewing slippery fabrics like spandex easier), and easier handling and monitoring of that darn bobbin (on the current machine, I know it’s about to run out at the exact moment that it runs out, which I guess means I have no idea when it’s about to run out).

The Proposed New Machine: very button-y

But the hesitation in getting a machine is–well as I said above: they cost money. So I did something I wouldn’t have imagined I would ever do just a few months ago: I sold my Android tablet for money toward a sewing machine.

It also helps that my GF has thought about getting a machine as well, so we’re going halfsies on it in the second half of this month.

I’m pretty excited. Another thing I wouldn’t have believed just a few months ago, i.e. that I could be excited about a sewing machine.

The Coming of the Costume 

I’ve begun another step: the ordering of the Ditko Costume Design Fabric Printing.

I say “begun,” because it will take 10+ days for processing and shipping, with a few days ahead of that for me to receive and approve a printed swatch sample (which just seems like a good idea before I finalize the un-returnable purchase of the final printing!).

I decided to go with the all-in-one bodysuit style the template is designed for. Even though in comparative terms, getting the fabric professionally printed is not a bad deal, it is not an insignificant enough cost that I am willing to risk an untested sewing pattern.

And I just couldn’t resist going with the Ditko design for the first pro printing. I am really curious to see how it turns out.

Screenshot (55)

I am still toying with other ways to do a totally DIY-at-home costume, but more on that later.

Making the Most of the Wait

So, between waiting to get the sewing machine in the second half of the month, and waiting for the completion of the ordering and processing of the pro printed fabric, I’ve got some time on my hands. But it’s a good thing. I’ve got plenty of practicing and preparation to do before I’m ready to start cutting, assembling, and sewing that pro printed fabric.

Work Space

I’ve started with readying my workspace. I rearranged my office–including swapping desks with my daughter–so that I can stop taking up the living room floor and our dining table when I’m sewing.

My daughter always liked my desk (now hers), with its shelves and drawers and cabinets, and her desk (now mine) boasts a larger, flat surface that will accommodate the sewing machine.

The office (also a guest room) has a futon that I can flatten out to get a large space for laying out and working with fabric. It’s at least a little higher than the floor.

Ideally, I need to get maybe some kind of large but lightweight piece of wood paneling to lay out so I have a flatter, firmer surface. But, baby steps.

Below is…not my work space. But isn’t it lovely? Someday…

Pictured: NOT my sewing workspace. {sigh…} Source:


I could use a mannequin-head type thing for working with the mask.

Great for making Spidey masks and for doing pranks!

I’ll also need plenty of good thread in the right colors, so I don’t have to make lots of trips in the middle of the whole process of assembling and sewing.

I could use more pins/a better pin container (the pin cushion can be a bit annoying when limited to one hand I think).

Invisible zippers.

Eventually: I need to choose some materials for making the eye frames/lenses and soles for the “boots.”


I could use as much general practice as possible on less risky/cheaper stuff before digging into the pro-printed fabric, but I really need to put in some time sewing invisible zippers. Especially considering I’ve only ever sewn one zipper ever, and it wasn’t an invisible zipper. But it turned out okay, actually. And I didn’t even use a zipper foot.

Zipper? I don’t see any zipper here… Source:

It would also be nice to do some of that practice on the new machine. It looks like it will arrive a good week or more ahead of the pro printed fabric, the way things are going, so that should give me a chance to familiarize myself with the new machine.

And I should think it will be easier rather than harder to use. As grateful as I am to have had the loaner, it is very basic, with few bells and whistles, so I should think I’ll be delighted with the new one. But then, there’s always that “Ugh. This is different.” factor.

So…as much Patience as Progress at the moment, but hey, Onward & Upward, as they say. (Someone says that, right?)

Up Next: Practice Project Progress



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